Designed by J.L. Moreno & Helen Jennings. To know what other members of the group feel about thesubject whether they like him or not. Asked to name in order of preference one or two individuals with whom they would like to work or play. Studies have been made of many types of social groups including classroom groups. Adds dimension to understanding of social relationships.
Sociometry may be described as a means of presenting simply and graphically the entire structure of relations existing at a given time among members of a given group. The major lines of communication or the pattern of attraction & rejection in its full scope are made readily comprehensive at a glance.
Students were asked to write his first choice about some significant & pertinent type of social setting.
1. Whom would you like to be the secretary of your debating society?
2. Whom would you like to sit next to you in the class or in the bus while going for a picnic?
3. With whom do you enjoy most?
Negative questions may also be given to show social rejection.
Data may be tabulated:
1. Number, members of the group.
2. Write choosers in the vertical columns and chosen in the horizontal column.
3. Total choice received by each member may be shown at the bottom.
4. In the cells check marks may be shown
5. Add the number of each choice.
Social Rejections: In the vertical column rejecters will be listed & in the horizontal column rejected.
Individual has to ask more than one person in order to preference.
Interpretation of Sociogram:
1. Concentration of one person at a time
2. Detailed study of the choices made & received.
3. Isolates is one whom nobody chooses not rejected.
4. Star is a member of the group who receives most of the choices.
5. Attempts to discover the causes for such selections.
6. A triangle shows three persons selecting each other.
Isolated Members means:
1. New mwmber of the group.
2. shy & withdrawing nature
3. not try to make friendships with others
4. belong to lower or upper socio – economic level
Selection of Individuals:
1. Close relations
2. Neighbours
3. Common interest & liking
Role of a teacher
1. Providing opportunities for developing friendly relations
2. Improving social skills
3. building up competency for accomplishing something
Use of sociometry:
1. Study relationships among members & to improve them.
2. To organize classroom groups
3. To assist those who have become isolates in the group.
4. To assign responsibility to the members of the group
Limitations of Sociometry:
1. Not necessarily stable relationship
2. Some members of the group may not reveal their real relationships on account of some fear or other considerations.
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