Question Bank Elective Paper
Measurement & Evaluation
1. What is measurement?
2. What is evaluation?
3. What is Assessment?
4. What is the difference between measurement & evaluation?
5. What is the difference between assessment & measurement?
6. What is testing?
7. State the characteristics of evaluation.
8. State the purpose and needs of evaluation.
9. Which are the factors playing major role in the concept of evaluation?
10. Explain the concept, features, merits and limitations of semester system.
11. Explain the concept, features, merits and limitations of credit & grading system.
12. What is online exam? State the features of online exam.
13. What are the merits and demerits of online exam?
14. What is open book exam? State the merits and demerits of open book exam.
15. What are the features of open book exam?
16. Explain the concept of exam on demand (National open Schooling).
17. What are features and merits of exam on demand?
18. Explain the concept of continuous remedial evaluation procedure. State the features of it.
19. State the merits and demerits of continuous remedial evaluation procedure.
20. What is question bank? State the features, merits & demerits of question bank.
21. What is evaluation approach?
22. Explain the components of an evaluation approach.
23. State the types of evaluation approach. Differentiate between summative evaluation and formative evaluation.
24. What is the difference between quantitative evaluation & qualitative evaluation?
25. State the characteristics of good measuring instrument.
26. What is blue print? State the advantages of blue print.
27. Explain the steps for preparing blue print.
28. What is observation? State the advantages & disadvantages of observation.
29. What is sociometry? State the merits and demerits of sociometry.
30. How will you use sociometry as a tool to find out the social relation among 10 students?
31. State the principles to be followed for marking observation.
32. State the requisites of good observation.
33. State the need and importance of educational statistics.
34. State the ways to organize scores.
35. What is tabulation of data is necessary?
36. When simple array can be used?
37. What is frequency distribution? Write the steps for preparing frequency distribution?
38. Why graphical representation of data is necessary?
39. State the types of graphical representation.
40. What point’s one should keep in mind while plotting graph?
41. What is histogram? What point’s one should keep in mind while plotting histogram?
42. Write the steps to draw histogram.
43. What is frequency polygon? What point’s one should keep in mind while plotting frequency polygon?
44. Write the steps to draw frequency polygon.
45. What is a measure of central tendency?
46. State types of measures of central tendency.
47. State the importance and limitations of measures of central tendency.
48. What is mean? State the characteristics of mean.
49. What is median? State the characteristics of median.
50. State uses of mean & median.
51. What is mode? State the characteristics & uses of mode.
52. What is correlation?
53. State the features of written, oral and practical test.
Note: Examples of mean, median mode and graphical representation (histogram & frequency polygon)
i need answers of these questions