Measures of Central Tendencies
Measures of Central Tendencies:
1. Is which divides their number in half.
2. It is that value which typifies or best represents the whole distribution.
3. Tendency towards centralization, through not universal.
Types of measures of central Tendencies:
1. Mean or Arithmetic Mean
2. Median
3. Mode
Importance of Measures of Central Tendencies:
1. Single value representing whole group & provide summary description of the activities of whole group.
2. Compare typical performances of different groups.
3. Computations of higher statistics.
4. Primary measures & not possible to draw higher statistical inferences without these measures.
Limitations of Measures of Central Tendencies:
1. Throws light on individual characteristics.
2. For heterogeneous group these measures are not useful.
3. Harmful results may be obtained if not handles carefully.
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